In 2022, the Lord began to deal with Apostle Barry J Henson in regards to the body of Christ and what His intentions were from the beginning for the church and how far we as His bride have strayed away. There is a remnant that God is raising up for such a time as this to build Kingdom the way God intended from the beginning. After much prayer, The Life Center International Worldwide was established by our Founder & Visionary, Apostle Barry J. Henson on July 5, 2022. Our assignment is to establish a fellowship to equip and develop ministry leaders, churches and non-believers for life-long transformation. The Life Center International Worldwide is a non- demontinational Spiritual Alliance committed to worship God in Spirit and in truth; teaching our partners to continue in and be consistent through their walk of faith and in Divine Alignment with the plan of God for this time and season. We believe that the church should extend outside of the four walls of the church. There are great opportunities to spread the gospel in marketplace. Therefore, we embrace all facets of ministry & gifts which includes (churches, ministries, entrepreneurs, influencers, entertainers, business executives, educators, creators, musicians, singers and more). Jesus is the brand!!
We aspire to break down barriers of traditional religion, denominational limitations, race, and secular ideologies to align with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are contenders in the faith for Unity in the Faith and Oneness in Jesus Christ with an Apostolic architecture.