The most effective way to support The Life Center International Worldwide in addition to your prayers, is a monthly giving commitment. By making a monthly donation to The Life Center International, you are partnering with a dedicated group of individuals, ministries & passionate about providing regular assistance to those in need and building Kingdom the way God intended in the beginning. This is an easy, efficient, and tax-deductible way to make a difference! Because God has been so generous to provide for our needs, its our privelege to give towards his Kingdom here on earth.
Cash gifts help the fellowship to continue. It is not always attractive to ask for money for rent, utilities, supplies, and the like, but without these very necessary expenses, we would not be able to provide for the programming aspect of our mission such as the food pantry, clothing assistance and educational classes. Most of all, spreading the precious gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to this lost and dying world. Men, women and children's lives are impacted by your giving. We are striving to continue to build and plant as by leading of the Holy Spirit. Our Fellowship churches & pastors have several ongoing outreach projects throughout the year and need your assistance. Your gift to the Fellowship helps support the spread of the gospel, local & global missions & church growth.
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We thank you for you gift and believe God for a hundredfold return to you!!