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Pastor's Piece

God Is Silent Not Absent

By Prophetess Felicea Henson
Have you ever asked God is He there? Sometimes the silence of the Lord can be terrifying. But I am reminded of the scripture that says he will never leave you or forsake you
God Is Silent Not Absent

Have you ever asked God is He there? Sometimes the silence of the Lord can be terrifying. But I am reminded of the scripture that says he will never leave you or forsake you. God loves you so very much and His silence does not mean He is absent. God’s silence does not mean He is idle, He is working behind the scenes.

Wickedness continues to progress without consequence. The workers of iniquity continue to sin because they think they got away with the initial sin. Some of them have sinned against you and you have asked God why or have said if there were a God why has he allowed this? If this is you then God wants me to share with you that His silence does not mean His absence. The children of Israel suffered at the hands of the Egyptians for 400 before their Exodus. God’s silence does not mean He is not listening. It is up to you to patiently wait and while waiting do not be passive. Instead continue praying, continue living righteous and continue serving God.

When God spoke to Moses in the burning bush He told him I have heard the crying of the children of Israel and today God says He has heard your cries. Now is the time of the drying of your tears and repayment for everything the locust has stolen. It is the most darkest before the dawn of a new day. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. God is about to do His greatest work on your behalf. In order to see the manifestation of what’s ahead you must remain in position, remain in prayer and keep living righteous. If you fall short, confess your faults and turn back to God. Times of silence can be scary but faith can move mountains. Walk by faith not by sight, trust and obey God. This prepares the pathway for your next miracle.

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