(Prophetess Felicea Henson is the Executive Pastor of The Life Center International and the Founder & Visionary of Igniting Hearts Ministries)
Sifting wheat is the process of separating the kernels of grain from the "chaff", that held them together. The chaff if the outer covering of wheat that is un-useful. None of us are exempt from the sifting and shifting. The shifting and sifting will eventually show up at your house.
The closer you get to Jesus the more Satan is going to attempt to draw away from your dependency and need for Christ. Contrary to belief satan is does not want your marriage, your house or your car but he wants your faith. He wants your spiritual life. He wants to plant doubt, disbelief and discouragement about who you are and whose you belong to. Satan wants to shake you so much that you break like wheat is separated from the chaff.
We have to remember that Satan had to ask God for permission to sift Job, but while Satan is preying on you Jesus is praying for you. There is nothing the devil can do without first permission from God and because God is all knowing He already knows you pass every test.
- Satan failed to realize you are not chaft and you will not be blownaway.
- You may be weak at times and understand if okay to weaksometimes because the bible says His strength is made perfect inmy weakness.
- God know there are times where we will be weak but we are not chaff and you will not be blown away if you remain anchored in Christ...
- Satan only power is through permission.
- God may give Him permission but He gave you the victory.
Satan cannot touch anything you have except the Lord allows Him to not to test you but to perfect you. He may shake you up and toss you around but ultimately his power is through permission.
If you want to be a product of use for the kingdom you have to remember all products are tested before they are put on the shelves and so it is the same in the spirit, God likes to make sure you are ready for the display. God wanna know if he trust you. If you will be faithful over few things, He will make you ruler over much. Its restoration time.
We can handle the sifting because we carry the anointing of God on the inside. You can survive the sifting because you know who you are and whose you belong to. The enemy can try but you must stand firm on the promises of God.
Remember Satan mission is kill, steal and destroy. You can stay sane in the middle of the sifting if you remain in constant relationship with God. In order to remain sane in the midst of your sifting season keep the faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped. I believe better days of are coming. You haven’t seen your healing yet but I know healing is the
children’s bread. Where is your faith? Setbacks are only opportunities for comebacks. God allows us to go through periods of sifting to refine or purify us from those things that could hinder us and prevent spiritual growth. James chapter 1 verse 2-3. Consider it pure joy.
Our trails and testing help to strengthen our faith. Isaish 57:14 Satan is after your mind the place where your faith is conceived and developed. Satan wants to destroy your faith. Fear is a enemy of faith. Satan tries to make us think that God does not love us.
Discouragement, doubt and division all weaken and dilute our faith but they that are born of God overcome the world.
1 Peter 1:5 We are kept through the power of God through our faith. Peter was denied Jesus three times but Jesus was praying that his faith fail him not. God is faithful even when we are not faithful. All of fall short of the glory of God but Jesus have prayed for thee that thy faith faith not. Your faith is going to be tried and tested but do not quit! Keep going the race is not give to the swift nor the strong but the one that endures. You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. When your faith being tried then you being sifted.
God allows us to be sifted because he has greater. Romans 4:18 -21 You may have fallen but do not allow yourself to remain in a low state or a back sliden state. I believe the psalmist said We fall down but we get back up! Repent for your fall and get back up. Return to the Lord. Keep your mind stayed on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your
God getting ready to restore everything the enemy thought he stole from you. The devil tried to sift you but God already prayed for you. God already canceled the assignment of the enemy. It does not matter what you lost God already overturned the verdict. Your name has been vindicated. God is lifting you and taking you back to your high place.
You are about to go to another dimension in God. God about to do abundantly and ascending above all that you can ask or think. Learn to rejoice for being partakers of Christ suffering for when the Glory is revealed there shall be an exceeding great joy. Greater is He that is on the inside of you than He that is in this world. Use the power on the inside of you to speak things to be not as though they were. You are more than a conqueror your name is Victory….
The devil tried to shift your healing and sift your purpose but you shall Recover All. Why because Jesus Prayed for you that you not be preyed on by satan. Don’t wait on people to pray for you because everyone that say they praying aint praying. It does not matter because you got he greatest intercessor praying for you. What the devil meant to harm
you God turned it around to work for your good. You got a trump tight hand and means you winning in this season and everything connected to you wins. Amen.
After you have been converted strengthen your brother and your sister. When you finally get your act together, reach back, reach down, reach over and help someone else. Let them know If He can do it for you He will surely do it for them. Your sifting season was not just about you. It is to allow you to personally experience the glory of God and then for others to see what God has done. Our testimony brings light when God is glorified. 2 Timothy 1:8 Stop living n shame. You have came through it and your best days are ahead of you. And now go back and strengthen your brother and sisters.
God is saying rise up and take their rightful place. He is calling for the sons and daughters of the kingdom to rise up and take their rightful place so that His glory can be revealed, It is when we pray for somebody else that we let God know that it’s not all about us. when we stop in the middle of our day and recognize that there are others who need us to pray for them, it is then that GOD will start to move in your life.
God allowed Satan to take away everything that Job had. He even took the lives of his seven sons and three daughters. Not only that, but Job’s whole body became covered with sores. But I need you to look at how God works. Job 42:10 says the LORD turned Job situation around. Job prayed for his friends. In spite his own problems and condition, Job prayed for his friends. In spite of the pain that raced through his body, Job took the time to pray for somebody else. In spite of his heart being broken from the loss of his family, Job still put self out of the way and prayed for his friends. And don’t you know my brothers and sisters that it was at that point the Bible says that God turned Job’s situation around. Not only did God turn Job’s circumstances around, but GOD gave Job double for his trouble.
In my conclusion not one of us is excluded from the sifting of Satan but there is peace in knowing Jesus is interceding for you even before the test. We have the prayers of the Messiah to sustain our faith during those dark moments. 2 Corinthians 4:17 For our light and momentary afflictions are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Life sifting experiences only empowers you to be equipped to strengthen others. Be like Paul and boast in your weakness knowing it is because of the Power vested in you by Jesus.